I present to you the world's easiest side dish. We loved this thing the first time we made it. The fun thing about it is if you don't like apricots and have another preserve handy, you can make it with that too! The first time we made these I ended up using our apricot preserves on something else, but we had Mayberry preserves handy, so we just used those and it was lovely.

The next best thing about this dish is it's ready in about 10 minutes. Easy breezy and people pleasy.
To make this get 1 package (10oz.) of sliced carrots or fresh sliced (or baby carrots, just whatever carrots you can find), and put them in a 1 quart container along with a few tbsp. of water (recipe calls for two, but if you have heftier carrots, use your best estimate) and microwave it for 8 - 10 minutes until the carrots are done.
Then you're basically done.
After that stir in salt, butter, and apricot preserves. And serve.

Like I said, easy, and a super fun way to eat carrots.

1 package (10 oz.) sliced carrots or fresh sliced (or even baby carrots work)
2 Tbsp. water
1/2 tsp. salt
2 Tbsp. apricot preserves (or whatever you have handy)
1 Tbsp. butter
Place carrots and water in a 1 quart covered casserole dish and microwave on high for 8 - 10 minutes or until carrots are done.
Stir in salt, butter, and preserves. Serve.